Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sandy Alderson: "We're as well positioned in the next two-three years as anyone in the division"

For the first time in what seems like five years, the Mets, and most notably Sandy Alderson, are confident again. No longer are we discussing two the three years away of being in contention. Instead, we are currently talking about being in contention for at least the next to the three years.

Sandy Alderson recently spoke with WOR 710 AM saying "We think we're on the way up. We're as well positioned in the next two-three years as anyone in the division." Certaintly Sandy is point to his win now free agent signings of Curtis Granderson and Michael Cuddyer and the length of their contracts, two-three years, as a measuring stick for success. That, plus Wright's still relatively young age, and the contract statuses of ace's Harvey, Wheeler, and deGrom all point to the next two-three years of being something special in Flushing.

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